
Adapted from Part 3 of our Resilience Series - Sow in Tears by Robert Tailby. Watch the full message below. [vc_separator type='normal' position='center' color='' thickness='' up='' down=''] Ever since the fall in the garden, humanity has had TROUBLE This trouble is not of God’s making, but as a result of sin, which has corrupted the whole of creation from top to bottom and brought us TROUBLE. Trouble like sickness, tragedy, violence and death are all the result of humanity choosing our own way instead...

What’s that one thing you wish you could change? That one thing that you always circle back to in your mind thinking, if only I could change this part of my life. I wish I could lose weight (or exercise more)!
I wish I could get noticed at work more. I wish I could be a better mum / dad. I wish I felt more spiritual. I wish I could watch less TV. I wish I could play the (insert here...

In our post-lockdown reality, most people have discovered that Sunday’s are also good for lots of other things. Lie-in’s are probably top of that list as are things like walks in the park, coffee with friends, getting the housework done or even just enjoying a good book. Plus, when the whole weekend is now free, having a couple of days away is so much easier. So why bother with church anymore? Have we all discovered a new life on the other...