Author: Chris Denham

Adapted from Part 5 of our Resilience Series - Go Again! by Alex Pitcher. Watch the full message below. [vc_separator type='normal' position='center' color='' thickness='' up='' down=''] The ups and downs of life can be exhausting, and the highs and lows can really take their toll. Joseph knew the ups and downs of life very well. Time and time again he faced problem after problem, and it all started with a dream. In fact, dreams were often at the centre of his struggles and breakthroughs. When...

Adapted from Part 4 of our Resilience Series - Life According to Job by Ezra Davidson. Watch the full message below. [vc_separator type='normal' position='center' color='' thickness='' up='' down=''] Job had lost everything, and when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING! He had every reason to be bitter and curse God, and yet He kept His faith. That didn’t mean he wasn’t upset or hurting though. As we can see in Job 6:2-3 he was struggling greatly: “If only my anguish could be weighed and...

Adapted from Part 3 of our Resilience Series - Sow in Tears by Robert Tailby. Watch the full message below. [vc_separator type='normal' position='center' color='' thickness='' up='' down=''] Ever since the fall in the garden, humanity has had TROUBLE This trouble is not of God’s making, but as a result of sin, which has corrupted the whole of creation from top to bottom and brought us TROUBLE. Trouble like sickness, tragedy, violence and death are all the result of humanity choosing our own way instead...

An extract from Part 2 of our Resilience Series - Facing Trials by Gavin Gray. Watch the full message below [vc_separator type='normal' position='center' color='' thickness='' up='' down=''] Have you noticed that there are some words in the bible that we really like! Words such as faithfulness, goodness, promises, freedom. Yet on the other hand there are also words in the bible that we don’t like as much. Words like hardship, trial, persecution, endurance. The words we like are all about life being good, enjoyable,...

What’s that one thing you wish you could change? That one thing that you always circle back to in your mind thinking, if only I could change this part of my life. I wish I could lose weight (or exercise more)!
I wish I could get noticed at work more. I wish I could be a better mum / dad. I wish I felt more spiritual. I wish I could watch less TV. I wish I could play the (insert here...

One of my favourite stories from the Old Testament is the story of Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, who finds himself facing an overwhelming force. His story teaches us that when we find ourselves in the midst of a battle, God has given us something far more powerful and effective than swords and spears. He gives us the power of a song! Jehoshaphat teaches us how our ‘worship’ can become our ‘warship’. It’s a long story, a bit long to include...

"Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." Hebrews 4:16 What do you need today? Isn't it wonderful that we have a Heavenly Father who is not just listening, but waiting and watching for us to come to him. He's hoping we would bring Him our needs so that He can take up our burdens, lift our sorrows, forgive our sins. The Book of...

One of the things that still surprises me about life is how many people don’t do things because they think they’re not going to be good enough, or be accepted if they ask someone, or be successful if they take steps to act on their idea. It surprises me and yet I do it myself! Just writing these few notes is a great example. I wrote some thoughts down a week ago, fighting against my own insecurities, in an effort to help...

In our post-lockdown reality, most people have discovered that Sunday’s are also good for lots of other things. Lie-in’s are probably top of that list as are things like walks in the park, coffee with friends, getting the housework done or even just enjoying a good book. Plus, when the whole weekend is now free, having a couple of days away is so much easier. So why bother with church anymore? Have we all discovered a new life on the other...